Day 44 – My Brother Todd Hoffman | Compassion

As a way of honoring my 50 years, I am celebrating 50 special people who have made an impact on my life. Every day for the next 50 days leading up to my birthday, I will feature one of these individuals. I will tell our story and what I have learned from them.

TODDmeMy little brother Todd and I are only ten months apart. “Irish Twins” is the phrase for siblings less than a year apart. Considering we were #5 and #6, I call it “Love Crazy Parents.”


Cutest ginger on the planet.

For as long as I can remember, Todd has been a part of my life. He’s my sidekick, my buddy, my partner in crime. We not only grew up together, we went to college together, and have worked together professionally not just once, but FOUR times (summer jobs included). We may not be actual twins, but I still experience some of the weird twin phenomenon that you hear about. Most notably, I worry about him incessantly.

I’ve always been a mother hen when it comes to Todd. Of the two of us, he was the quieter one (likely because I never let him get a word in edgewise), so I would always advocate for him, making sure that he always got a fair shake. The first day of school, I would always walk him to his classroom and make sure he was settled. I still find myself hovering over Todd – worrying and making sure he’s all right.


Todd with my Aidan. Super Uncle, Super Dad

Todd is, by far, the most compassionate person I know. His kindness for others is something we could all learn from. It goes beyond “nice guy” – Todd is the real deal. His actions on a daily basis are all about giving.

Todd makes being a husband and father a priority in his life. In everything he does, he puts his family first. Sweet gestures like bringing his wife Debbie coffee in the morning or putting her favorite music in the car before she heads out on a trip for work. Again, always thinking of others. He’s a tremendous dad – providing a perfect balance of humor and rules in his girls’ lives. Both girls show a flare for Todd’s ability to do imitations, as well as his artistic talent.

Todd with his daughter Charlotte

Todd with his daughter Charlotte

Todd and Samantha

Todd and Samantha

One of the toughest times of my life is when Todd and I were at odds.

We were in business together (Day 30), and when the business went belly up, our relationship suffered. We went close two years barely speaking. Going from a constant in my life to completely out of my life taught me that I will never let it happen again. No matter what, family comes first. Todd lives it and I learned it.

Sure, I still mother hen Todd to pieces, but he’s turned the tables on me a few times in the past years. Todd’s quite capable – in fact, he’s extraordinary. I love him dearly and admire him more than he’ll ever know.

Lesson Learned from Todd: Compassion

Todd running a marathon with Charlotte and their dog Greta.

Todd running a marathon with Charlotte and their dog Greta.

Jeff, Todd and I

Jeff, Todd and I

Todd and I during our Cedar Point days.

Todd and I during our summer stint working at Cedar Point in college.

Todd's illustration skills are amazing! This is a drawing he did of my son Aidan.

Todd’s illustration skills are amazing! This is a drawing he did of my son Aidan.

A sketch he did of Wilco's Jeff Tweedy.

A sketch he did of Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy.

The Supreme Court's Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The Supreme Court’s Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Lane Pryce from Mad Men

Lane Pryce from Mad Men.

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